True Sonship and Rest in God

Orphan Spirit

What was the mission of Jesus? I believe Jesus came to heal an orphan planet.


Here’s something to think about: “At the root of all sin is a distortion of the image of Father God”.

Wasn’t this what happened in Eden? Satan deceived Adam and Eve by questioning the Father’s motives and so orphaned us – cutting us off from God’s fatherly love and care. So it only makes sense then, that Jesus, God’s True Son, came to undo this.


“At the root of all sin is a distortion of the image of Father God”.

Healing the Orphan Spirit

I’m convinced that healing of the orphan spirit comes through believing the Gospel of Jesus. All that Jesus did in life centered on revealing the Father’s heart and demonstrating what real sonship looks like, lived out. And in his death, he destroyed every  barrier to our restoration into the family of God as beloved sons and daughters. When he ascended, he sent the “the spirit of adoption” into our hearts that we may experience healing from our orphan state (Romans 8:15; Gal 4:6).

Do you see it? Salvation is God healing our orphan hearts, and in Christ, bringing us into a deep and restful peace with God.

The Father’s Rest

Jesus makes this explicit is his teachings:  “ …no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him” (Matt 11:27). The context of this passage is clear – Jesus is being rejected by his own people. They consider themselves “wise and understanding” and refuse to become “little children” in order to receive the revelation of God’s Father-love towards them. They don’t want it.

Jesus rebukes them and then turns to disciples and gives them an invitation to come to him and find rest (Matt 11:28-30). Rest in what? or rather, in whom? I think the rest that Jesus offers is simply this: “Come to me, and I’ll teach you who the Father is. When you understand who the Father is, how much he loves you, your orphan spirit will finally find rest in him”.

You see, a clear symptom of an orphan spirit is restlessness. It is an anxious striving and a fearful drive to control our circumstances. You “labor” and are “heavy laden” – carrying a yoke that’s not from the Father, quite apart from Jesus. Jesus invites us to a new way of living – a restful faith in the Sovereign Father.

So, who is this Father? I wrote 25 statements that encapsulate for me, the Father Heart of God (see below). They are the most “restful” thoughts relating to God as Father.They are not scripture, but are personalized and paraphrased from it.

Anyway, I love to hear any feedback – so leave a comment or send me an email!

Who is the Father?

He is loving, caring, tender...He is “Daddy”
He enjoys you & you can always crawl into his lap
He chose you and formed you for his glory

He is compassionate...
He understands your hurts, weaknesses and struggles

He watches over you and cares for you.
He longs to carry your weights

His grace towards you is limitless
He gives you power and strength when you are weak

He is patient and understanding
He is on your side and at your side.. Always

He is delighted in who you are and what you do for him
He frequently speaks his affirmation over you -- “I love you and I am proud of you”

He gives you the desires of your heart --what you want, and what he wants you to want

He will not reject you or leave you because you fail or make mistakes.
He enfolds your failures and mistakes into his plan for your life

He sees your sin and he forgives you
He has power to break sin’s power in your life

He is vulnerable to you and feels for you
He weeps when you weep and rejoices when you rejoice

He knows you -- your strengths and weaknesses, your past and future your wins and losses
He will show you the destructive things in your heart and gently work to remove them

He is attracted to you He wants to overwhelm you with his love

He has a purpose and calling for you
He has plans for you -- a future filled with hope

He is greater than anything in your past
He alone determines your future

He is a patient teacher and life-coach
He will bring you into new things in the pace you need

He does not judge you or compare you with others

He will defend you and protect you from the Evil One

He loves to heal you and takes joy in restoring what you have lost

He is a generous giver and He loves to bless you -- and he will always meet your needs

He loves you with the same love he reserves for his perfect Son, Jesus

He is your Father And you are his beloved son.