The God Who Seeks Out Atheists

So, I was an atheist the first time I heard God's voice. Not only was I was not REMOTELY in any sort of religious setting, I was fully involved in doing things both illegal & immoral šŸ™„. It was an electrifying, terrifying, mind-shattering experience. And it happened repeatedly over a span of several months.
So I was left with one of two choices: either I was going insane (always a possibility, given my various mind-altering escapades) or this "God" being actually existed and for some inexplicable reason was trying to get in touch with me.
Interestingly, once I accepted that God existed, I went on a search for God in every direction except towards Jesus.
I had been around Christianity all my life, so I KNEW it was fake, right? I mean, it HAD to be something else. For me, growing up and going to church and being around Christians, I knew many people were just faking it. And all educated people tacitly admitted that science was the true underlying engine of explanation & power for all of life, not religion or God.
For sure, I knew many sincereĀ Christians as well, but no one I knew had really experienced or even expected anything supernatural. So at best, it was just a form of superstition. So I had already ruled out Jesus.
After about a year of searching for God and not finding anything even remotely satisfying, I finally thought, "Well, I suppose I should read the Bible. I mean, what excuse do I have for NOT reading it?".
All I can say is that I remember the moment I read Jesus' words (Luke 5) ā€œWho needs a doctor? Is it the healthy or the sick? Iā€™m here inviting outsiders, not insiders ā€” an invitation to a changed life, changed inside and out.ā€
That just shook me. This was the God I was searching for: the one who sent Jesus to seek out and save the lost ones, the outsiders. And the parable of the shepherd who left the ninety-nine sheep to seek out the one lost one just resonated so powerfully. I must also admit I found it hilarious that all the "good people" were over there seeking God at church and here HE was, seeking ME out, completely in the opposite direction šŸ˜„
Anyways, just want to say: I don't ever want to lose sight of who Jesus is. He is the God who seeks out and speaks to atheists.